Client IDs and SSL Thumbprints

Troubleshooting Client IDs

An issue with the Client ID may cause the connection to the Travelport+ (1G) or Apollo (1V) system to fail. If connection is lost:

  • Confirm your internet connection.

  • If your agency uses Galileo SSL to connect to Travelport+ (1G) or Apollo (1V), confirm with your agency Smartpoint Administrator or technical support that the most recent version,, of the Galileo SSL Client is installed.

The Client ID may need to be reset if:

  • You change computers. For example, if an agent moves their sign on from an office workstation to a laptop.

  • Smartpoint 9.1 and later. A specific Smartpoint error message with Client ID troubleshooting is returned.

  • A host error indicates that you cannot connect to Travelport+ or Apollo.

Smartpoint Error Messages (Smartpoint 9.1 and Later)

If your agency uses the Galileo Client SSL issues related to a Client ID, an error message is returned to assist with determining the cause of the connection error. You can link from the messages to the reset page and more information.

Note: Agencies that use their own managed VPN connections do not receive these error messages.

Verify your internet connection and try again

Smartpoint recognizes your Client ID, but is unable to connect.

No Client ID Configured

Smartpoint does not detect your Client ID.

No Client ID configured for connection via Galileo SSL

A Client ID exists, but is not set to connect via the Galileo SSL Client. For configuration instructions, see KB0028519: Client ID (SSL Thumbprint) Reset in the Travelport Knowledge Base.

More Information


In the Travelport Knowledge Base:

Technical Personnel